5 Cyber Security Governance Principles for Australian Businesses

The Director Sentiment Index’ surveys reported that Australian directors consistently rank cyber security and data theft as the number one issue keeping them awake at night. To support company directors fulfil their duties of managing cyber security risks, the Australian Institute of Company Directors (AICD) has released the Cyber Security Governance Principles. These Principles provide…

Picture of a laptop computer with a background view of a high-rise city landscape

Cloud Data Breaches

Years ago, a breach that compromised the data of a few million people would have been few and far between. Unfortunately, recently our newsfeeds have been littered with data breach headlines, the recent Optus data breach being a prime example. This blog explores how to use the MITRE attack knowledge base to help detect attackers…

word cloud image of cyber security related words such as threat, security, protect, breach, attack.

The ACSC Annual Cyber Threat Report – Summary

The Australian Cyber Security Centre (ACSC) has issued the Annual Cyber Threat Report for the 2021-2022 financial year. It’s the ACSC’s flagship unclassified publication, providing insight into what’s happening in Australia’s cyberspace. I highly recommend that you spare some time to read it in detail. Every year I eagerly await this report to be published and…

What is DevSecOps?

What is DevSecOps? Let’s break it down. “DevSecOps is actually a combination of three disciplines. Development, Security and Operations.”  Back in the early days, if you knew how to code, you could develop anything you wanted, and you become a rockstar (assuming that it is bug-free of course). With the power of the internet, you…

The Deakin University Cyber Attack

It can happen to any of us … Inside the Deakin University Cyber Attack   I am a cyber security professional and I have been perplexed more than once by messages and emails having links in them. Have you received an unexpected SMS with a link for your pending parcel which almost had you click…

Social Media Cyber Security

Enjoying Your Social Media Account? So are the Cyber Artifices! How would you feel if social media didn’t exist? If you said ‘lost’, I am pretty sure many people feel the same way because, for many of us, social media is a way to express what’s going on in our minds and connect with people.…

Kafka Data Processing in Motion

Why doesn’t Netflix crash? . . . Data Processing in Motion   It’s that time! Our favourite web series has just been released on a streaming platform. Millions of users are waiting for it. Everyone starts streaming the moment it is available. But the platform can’t handle the millions of requests and crashes. The same…

Data Vault 2.0 Modelling in Data Warehousing

Data modelling is one of the most important steps in any analytical project, so it’s important to get it right! Data models are built around business needs, but what if those business needs or processes change? The data modelling technique used should address the relationship between data from various sources, while also being flexible enough…

Is my code vulnerable?

Introduction It is highly unlikely that a company with an online presence won’t own a piece of code (programme) in this day and age. The code could be a html page, SQL script, a shell script or a macro. For every line of code that you write, the chances are high that it can introduce…