Is your MacOS Safe?

Macs are safer, but… We often hear that Mac users are less likely to be targeted by cybercriminals. This statement is true because of several reasons: Apple’s macOS system is Unix-based, which makes it more difficult to exploit. Hackers simply chose to attack more popular platforms. According to NetMarketShare, Windows accounts for over 88 percent…

Defending Cybercrime as a Service (CaaS)

Introduction Have you heard of cybercrime as a Service? Australians have started the race to have 80% of the adult population fully vaccinated by the end of 2021. This is important because vaccination reduces the health, social and economic impacts of the COVID-19 pandemic. However, hackers don’t share the same morals as us. They see…

The Arcane Art of Attribution

  “Home and office routers come under attack by China state hackers, France warns” – Ars Technica headline. This story was shared in my team’s Slack channel a few weeks ago and prompted a short conversation about how do we know it’s China? Are we just checking the IPs on the incoming messages? What if…

Cyber Security – Where do you start?

  Not a day goes by without a cyber security incident reported in our news feed. Organisations are increasingly concerned about cyber security, and rightly so, as pressure mounts on business leaders to act and protect their organisations. Do nothing, and you are flying blind, unaware of what is happening in your organisation’s network .…